
Volody Products is a technology company that provides software solutions to help businesses automate and manage their legal contracts. Their flagship product is contract lifecycle management (CLM) followed by Litigation management, e-sign and Insider Trading Compliance Software. Volody's solutions aim to enhance operational efficiency, reduce risks, and ensure compliance with regulatory standards for enterprises. The company serves a wide range of industries, including banking, financial services, and manufacturing, offering cloud-based platforms that enable easy collaboration and document management.

Volody's APIs belong to the Representational State Transfer (REST) category. They allow you to perform 'RESTful' operations such as reading, modifying, adding, or deleting data from your helpdesk. The APIs also support Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS).

What API commands are used by Volody?

Volody's APIs are plain JSON over HTTP and use the following HTTP verbs:

POSTCreate an object
GETFetch one or more objects
PUTUpdate an object
DELETERemove an object


The Authentication API provides secure access control for users of the CLM software. It enables user registration, login, and management of user sessions, ensuring that only authorized individuals can access sensitive contract data. This API is essential for maintaining a secure and user-friendly authentication process within the CLM system.



JSON Request

  "email": "c2ltcGx5QGNvbnN1bHRsYW5lLmNvbQ==",
  "password": "UGFzc3dkQDEyMw=="

JSON Response

  "passwd_changed": "false",
  "access_token": "eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJpc3MiOiJodHRwczpcL1wvYWktY2xtLXByZS52b2xvZHkuY29tXC9hcGlcL3YxXC9sb2dpbiIsImlhdCI6MTcyOTA4ODM1NiwiZXhwIjoxNzI5MDkwMTU2LCJuYmYiOjE3MjkwODgzNTYsImp0aSI6Imx2VXhuNFJaZkVwWlVXemEiLCJzdWIiOjEsInBydiI6IjIzYmQ1Yzg5NDlmNjAwYWRiMzllNzAxYzQwMDg3MmRiN2E1OTc2ZjcifQ.drFTaUOD7g2xQaUnHgUxmsJQpO_UKpPlWHJ7qe6B338",
  "token_type": "bearer",
  "expires_in": 1800000

Please use this access token in the header of all API requests.

access_token received in the login response have to be used as Bearer Token in all Authenticated Request Headers under the HEADER Authorization: Bearer access_token

Users API

The User Master API provides endpoints to manage user-related data within the system. It allows for creating, retrieving, updating, and deleting user information. This API is designed to handle various aspects of user management, including authentication, role assignment, and profile details.

Key Features:

  • User Creation: Create new user accounts with relevant information such as username, email, password, and assigned roles.
  • User Retrieval: Fetch individual or multiple user details, including profile information, status, and assigned roles.
  • User Update: Modify user information such as name, contact details, roles, and status.
  • Role Management: Assign and update roles and permissions for users.
  • Common Use Cases:

  • User registration and onboarding.
  • Managing user roles and permissions.
  • Retrieving and updating user profiles.
  • Enforcing user status (active, inactive).
  • The User Master API ensures secure and efficient user management, enabling seamless integration with various systems requiring user-related functionalities.

    Create User

    The Create User API allows for adding new users to the system. This endpoint is used to register users by capturing essential details such as personal information, credentials, and role assignments. The API ensures secure user creation with input validation and optional integration with authentication mechanisms.

    Key Features:

  • User Registration: Add new users by providing required information such as username, email, password, and role.
  • Role Assignment: Assign default or specific roles to users during the creation process for access control.
  • Input Validation: Validates required fields like email format, password strength, and uniqueness of username.
  • Status Setting: Set user account status (e.g., active, inactive) upon creation.
  • Custom Fields: Supports additional custom fields as per business requirements.
  • Common Use Cases:

  • Registering new users during onboarding.
  • Automatically assigning roles based on business logic.
  • Ensuring proper validation of user credentials at creation.
  • The Create User API simplifies the process of user registration, ensuring that users are securely added to the system with appropriate access controls.



    JSON Request

      "first_name": "test",
      "last_name": "test2",
      "email": "test11152029@gmail.com",
      "phone": "7454545",
      "designation": "Owner2",
      "departmentaccess": "",
      "userlevel": 1,
      "type_of_user": 1,
      "parent_user_id": [
      "approver": "1",
      "role": 1,
      "company_access": [
      "branchname": "",
      "profile_picture_url": "",
      "branchdetails": "",
      "permission_json": ""

    JSON Response

      "status": true,
      "message": "User Added Successfully!",
      "httpscode": 200,
      "Userlastid": 226

    Update User

    The Update User API allows for modifying existing user information in the system. This endpoint is designed to update user profiles, credentials, and roles while maintaining data integrity and security. It ensures that any changes to user data are validated and applied seamlessly.

    Key Features:

  • User Profile Updates: Modify user details such as name, email, phone number, and address.
  • Role Modification: Update or change user roles and permissions based on organizational needs.
  • Status Changes: Update user account status (e.g., activate, deactivate, suspend) as required.
  • Password Update: Allow users or administrators to update passwords securely.
  • Partial Updates: Supports updating individual fields without needing to resend the entire user object.
  • Common Use Cases:

  • Updating user profiles to reflect changes in personal information.
  • Changing roles or permissions as users move between departments or job functions.
  • Resetting or changing user passwords in response to security requirements.
  • Activating or deactivating user accounts based on lifecycle events.
  • Ensuring proper validation of user credentials at creation.
  • The Update User API ensures secure, efficient modification of user information, allowing administrators and users to keep profiles up-to-date while maintaining system integrity.



    JSON Request

      "first_name": "test",
      "last_name": "test2",
      "email": "test11102025@gmail.com",
      "phone": "7454545",
      "designation": "Owner2",
      "departmentaccess": 1,
      "userlevel": 1,
      "type_of_user": 1,
      "parent_user_id": [
      "approver": "1",
      "role": 1,
      "company_access": [
      "branchname": null,
      "permission_json": "{\"Contracts\":\"Complete\",\"Request Create\":\"Allow\",\"Request Delete\":\"All\",\"Physical Copy Upload\":\"Allow\",\"Stamp Paper Menu\":\"Allow\",\"MIS Export\":\"Allow\",\"Request Data Export\":\"Allow\",\"Supporting Document Delete\":\"Allow\",\"Request Email\":\"Allow\",\"Contract Expiry\":\"Allow\",\"Reports\":\"Allow\",\"Obligations\":{\"Edit\":true,\"Delete\":true,\"View\":true,\"Add\":true},\"Counter Party\":{\"Edit\":true,\"Delete\":true,\"View\":true,\"Add\":true},\"Template\":{\"Edit\":true,\"Delete\":true,\"View\":true,\"Add\":true},\"Company\":{\"Edit\":true,\"Delete\":true,\"View\":true,\"Add\":true},\"Workflow\":{\"Edit\":true,\"Delete\":true,\"View\":true,\"Add\":true},\"Contract Type\":{\"Edit\":true,\"Delete\":true,\"View\":true,\"Add\":true},\"Department\":{\"Edit\":true,\"Delete\":true,\"View\":true,\"Add\":true},\"Users\":{\"Edit\":true,\"Delete\":true,\"View\":true,\"Add\":true},\"Roles\":{\"Edit\":true,\"Delete\":true,\"View\":true,\"Add\":true},\"Clause Library\":{\"Edit\":true,\"Delete\":true,\"View\":true,\"Add\":true},\"Clause Collaboration\":{\"Edit\":true,\"Delete\":true,\"View\":true,\"Add\":true},\"Dms\":{\"Edit\":true,\"Delete\":true,\"View\":true,\"Add\":true},\"Workflow Edit\":\"Edit Complete\",\"Workflow Delete\":\"Delete Complete\"}",
      "location": null,
      "region": null,
      "profile_picture_url": ""

    JSON Response

      "status": true,
      "message": "User updated successfully!",
      "data": {
        "id": 205,
        "parent_user_id": 1,
        "user_id": 262,
        "type_of_user": 1,
        "full_name": "test test2",
        "first_name": "test",
        "last_name": "test2",
        "display_names": null,
        "email": "test11102025@gmail.com",
        "phone": "7454545",
        "designation": "Owner2",
        "approver": "1",
        "erpcode": null,
        "notes": "test",
        "parent_group_id": 1,
        "expiry_date": null,
        "app_type": "india",
        "profile_picture": "test_test2_Owner2_1729077323",
        "company_access": "1",
        "company_id": 7,
        "branch_id": null,
        "role": 1,
        "userlevel": 1,
        "departmentaccess": 1,
        "status": 1,
        "passwd_changed": "false",
        "created_at": "11/10/2024",
        "updated_at": "16/10/2024",
        "deleted_at": null,
        "permission_json": {
          "Contracts": "Complete",
          "Request Create": "Allow",
          "Request Delete": "All",
          "Physical Copy Upload": "Allow",
          "Stamp Paper Menu": "Allow",
          "MIS Export": "Allow",
          "Request Data Export": "Allow",
          "Supporting Document Delete": "Allow",
          "Request Email": "Allow",
          "Contract Expiry": "Allow",
          "Reports": "Allow",
          "Obligations": {
            "Edit": true,
            "Delete": true,
            "View": true,
            "Add": true
          "Counter Party": {
            "Edit": true,
            "Delete": true,
            "View": true,
            "Add": true
          "Template": {
            "Edit": true,
            "Delete": true,
            "View": true,
            "Add": true
          "Company": {
            "Edit": true,
            "Delete": true,
            "View": true,
            "Add": true
          "Workflow": {
            "Edit": true,
            "Delete": true,
            "View": true,
            "Add": true
          "Contract Type": {
            "Edit": true,
            "Delete": true,
            "View": true,
            "Add": true
          "Department": {
            "Edit": true,
            "Delete": true,
            "View": true,
            "Add": true
          "Users": {
            "Edit": true,
            "Delete": true,
            "View": true,
            "Add": true
          "Roles": {
            "Edit": true,
            "Delete": true,
            "View": true,
            "Add": true
          "Clause Library": {
            "Edit": true,
            "Delete": true,
            "View": true,
            "Add": true
          "Clause Collaboration": {
            "Edit": true,
            "Delete": true,
            "View": true,
            "Add": true
          "Dms": {
            "Edit": true,
            "Delete": true,
            "View": true,
            "Add": true
          "Workflow Edit": "Edit Complete",
          "Workflow Delete": "Delete Complete"
        "user_journey": {
          "dashboard": true,
          "viewcontract": true,
          "comapny": true,
          "user": true,
          "department": true,
          "legacycontract": true,
          "createcontract": true,
          "templete": true,
          "company": true,
          "companyaddeditid": true,
          "department_listid": true,
          "adddepartmentid": true,
          "userid": true,
          "adduser": true,
          "templetedid": true,
          "addtempletenew": true,
          "contracttypepage": true
        "location": null,
        "region": null,
        "label": "test test2 - Owner2",
        "display_name": "test test2"

    Counter Party API

    The Counterparty API provides endpoints to manage counterparty information within the Contract Lifecycle Management (CLM) software. This API facilitates the creation, retrieval, updating, and deletion of counterparties, ensuring that all relevant details about parties involved in contracts are accurately maintained and easily accessible.

    Key Features:

  • Counterparty Creation: Add new counterparties with essential details such as name, contact information, and related company details.
  • Counterparty Retrieval: Fetch information about individual counterparties or list multiple counterparties based on filters such as status or company association.
  • Counterparty Updates: Modify existing counterparty information, including contact details, address, and status.
  • Counterparty Deletion: Soft or hard delete counterparty records to maintain data integrity and manage relationships.
  • Common Use Cases:

  • Adding new counterparties when establishing new business relationships.
  • Updating contact information and status as relationships evolve.
  • Retrieving counterparty information for contract negotiations or compliance checks.
  • Deleting or archiving counterparties no longer associated with active contracts.
  • The Counterparty API ensures efficient management of counterparty data, providing a structured approach to handle all aspects of parties involved in contracts within the CLM software. This enables users to maintain accurate records and foster effective business relationships.

    Create Counterparty

    The Create Counterparty API enables users to add new counterparties to the Contract Lifecycle Management (CLM) software. This endpoint is designed to capture essential details about parties involved in contracts, ensuring that all relevant information is collected accurately and efficiently at the time of creation.

    Key Features:

  • Counterparty Registration: Create a new counterparty by providing required information such as name, contact details, and associated company information.
  • Role Assignment: Specify the role of the counterparty (e.g., supplier, client, partner) during the creation process for better relationship management.
  • Input Validation: Validate essential fields such as email format, phone number, and ensure that unique identifiers (e.g., name) are correctly captured.
  • Custom Fields: Support additional fields specific to business needs, allowing for greater flexibility in counterparty management.
  • Common Use Cases:

  • Adding new clients, suppliers, or partners to the CLM system during business onboarding.
  • Ensuring that all relevant counterparty details are captured for effective contract management.
  • Setting up roles for counterparties to streamline contract negotiations and relationship management.
  • The Create Counterparty API simplifies the process of adding new counterparties to the CLM software, ensuring that all necessary information is captured effectively and that relationships can be managed efficiently from the outset.




      "slug": "counterpartynew",
      "state": "1619",
      "counterparty_name": "test new2",
      "counterparty_gst": "test",
      "responsible_user_id": "1",
      "addrone": "test",
      "pin": "1111",
      "country": "103",
      "city": "mumbai",
      "counterparty_email": "test2@gmail.com",
      "counterparty_phone": "88555",
      "party_type": "1",
      "is_legacy": true


      "status": true,
      "masterdetails": {
        "id": 2,
        "slug": "counterpartynew",
        "table_name": "App\\Models\\CounterPartyMaster",
        "api": "/counter_party",
        "form_json": {
          "form": [
              "name": "Counter Party Details",
              "sequence": "1",
              "stepfields": [
                  "type": "text",
                  "typeid": 3,
                  "html_id": "counterparty_name",
                  "label": "Counter Party Name",
                  "mandatory": "",
                  "readonlyfield": "",
                  "mandatoryid": true,
                  "db_column_name": "counterparty_name"
                  "type": "text",
                  "typeid": 3,
                  "html_id": "counterparty_gst",
                  "label": "Counter Party Identification Number",
                  "mandatory": "",
                  "readonlyfield": "",
                  "db_column_name": "counterparty_gst"
                  "type": "text",
                  "typeid": 3,
                  "html_id": "identifier",
                  "label": "Additional Identifier",
                  "mandatory": "",
                  "readonlyfield": "",
                  "db_column_name": "identifier"
                  "type": "Select with table",
                  "typeid": 17,
                  "html_id": "responsible_user_id",
                  "name": "responsible_user_id",
                  "label": "Responsible User",
                  "mandatory": "",
                  "readonlyfield": "",
                  "db_column_name": "responsible_user_id",
                  "option": [],
                  "ref_table": "WebRegisterUser"
              "name": "Counter Party Contact Details",
              "sequence": "2",
              "stepfields": [
                  "type": "text",
                  "typeid": 3,
                  "html_id": "addrone",
                  "label": "Address Line 1 : Street Number & Name",
                  "mandatory": "",
                  "readonlyfield": "",
                  "db_column_name": "addrone",
                  "name": "point_contact_detail"
                  "type": "text",
                  "typeid": 3,
                  "html_id": "unit_number",
                  "label": "Unit Number",
                  "mandatory": "",
                  "readonlyfield": "",
                  "name": "addrtwo"
                  "type": "text",
                  "typeid": 3,
                  "html_id": "addrthree",
                  "label": "Area",
                  "mandatory": "",
                  "readonlyfield": "",
                  "db_column_name": "addrthree"
                  "type": "text",
                  "typeid": 3,
                  "html_id": "pin",
                  "label": "Zip / Postal Code",
                  "mandatory": "",
                  "readonlyfield": "",
                  "name": "pin"
                  "type": "Select with table",
                  "typeid": 17,
                  "html_id": "country",
                  "name": "country",
                  "label": "Country",
                  "mandatory": "",
                  "readonlyfield": "",
                  "db_column_name": "country",
                  "option": [],
                  "ref_table": "CountryMaster"
                  "type": "Select with table",
                  "typeid": 17,
                  "html_id": "state",
                  "name": "state",
                  "label": "State",
                  "mandatory": "",
                  "readonlyfield": "",
                  "db_column_name": "state",
                  "option": [],
                  "ref_table": "StateMaster",
                  "additional_filter": "country",
                  "whereCondition": "&country_id=form?.country"
                  "type": "text",
                  "typeid": 3,
                  "html_id": "city",
                  "name": "city",
                  "label": "City/ Town",
                  "mandatory": "",
                  "readonlyfield": "",
                  "db_column_name": "city"
                  "type": "text",
                  "typeid": 3,
                  "html_id": "counterparty_email",
                  "label": "Company Email",
                  "mandatory": "",
                  "readonlyfield": "",
                  "db_column_name": "counterparty_email"
                  "type": "text",
                  "typeid": 3,
                  "html_id": "counterparty_phone",
                  "label": "Company Phone",
                  "mandatory": "",
                  "readonlyfield": "",
                  "db_column_name": "counterparty_phone"
              "name": "Contact Person Details",
              "sequence": "2",
              "stepfields": [
                  "id": null,
                  "type": "Table - Horizontal",
                  "label": "",
                  "option": [
                      "input": 1,
                      "label": "Name",
                      "value": 0,
                      "width": 100
                      "input": 1,
                      "label": "Email",
                      "value": 1,
                      "width": 100
                      "input": 1,
                      "label": "Phone",
                      "value": 2,
                      "width": 100
                      "input": 1,
                      "label": "Designation",
                      "value": 3,
                      "width": 100
                  "typeid": 14,
                  "checked": false,
                  "html_id": "label",
                  "labelid": true,
                  "db_column_name": "contact_details"
              "name": "Advance Details",
              "sequence": "2",
              "stepfields": [
                  "type": "Select with table",
                  "typeid": 17,
                  "html_id": "party_type",
                  "name": "party_type",
                  "label": "Counter Party Type",
                  "mandatory": "",
                  "readonlyfield": "",
                  "db_column_name": "party_type",
                  "option": [],
                  "ref_table": "PartyType",
                  "mandatoryid": true
              "name": "Add Additional Files",
              "sequence": "2",
              "stepfields": [
                  "id": null,
                  "type": "Table - Horizontal",
                  "label": "",
                  "option": [
                      "input": 1,
                      "label": "Filename",
                      "value": 0,
                      "width": 100
                      "input": 2,
                      "label": "Upload file",
                      "value": 1,
                      "width": 100
                  "typeid": 14,
                  "checked": false,
                  "html_id": "ContactDetails",
                  "labelid": true,
                  "db_column_name": "contact_details"
          "listview": [],
          "validation": {
            "counterparty_name": "required",
            "party_type": "required"
          "validation_message": {
            "counterparty_name": "Counter Party field is required.",
            "party_type": "Counter Party Type field is required."
        "created_at": "2024-04-30T13:28:04.000000Z",
        "updated_at": "2024-04-30T13:28:04.000000Z",
        "helpers": null,
        "name": "Counter Party"

    Create Counterparty

    The Create Counterparty API enables users to add new counterparties to the Contract Lifecycle Management (CLM) software. This endpoint is designed to capture essential details about parties involved in contracts, ensuring that all relevant information is collected accurately and efficiently at the time of creation.

    Key Features:

  • Counterparty Registration: Create a new counterparty by providing required information such as name, contact details, and associated company information.
  • Role Assignment: Specify the role of the counterparty (e.g., supplier, client, partner) during the creation process for better relationship management.
  • Input Validation: Validate essential fields such as email format, phone number, and ensure that unique identifiers (e.g., name) are correctly captured.
  • Custom Fields: Support additional fields specific to business needs, allowing for greater flexibility in counterparty management.
  • Common Use Cases:

  • Adding new clients, suppliers, or partners to the CLM system during business onboarding.
  • Ensuring that all relevant counterparty details are captured for effective contract management.
  • Setting up roles for counterparties to streamline contract negotiations and relationship management.
  • The Create Counterparty API simplifies the process of adding new counterparties to the CLM software, ensuring that all necessary information is captured effectively and that relationships can be managed efficiently from the outset.




      "slug": "counterpartynew",
      "state": "1619",
      "counterparty_name": "test new2",
      "counterparty_gst": "test",
      "responsible_user_id": "1",
      "addrone": "test",
      "pin": "1111",
      "country": "103",
      "city": "mumbai",
      "counterparty_email": "test2@gmail.com",
      "counterparty_phone": "88555",
      "party_type": "1",
      "is_legacy": true


      "status": true,
      "masterdetails": {
        "id": 2,
        "slug": "counterpartynew",
        "table_name": "App\\Models\\CounterPartyMaster",
        "api": "/counter_party",
        "form_json": {
          "form": [
              "name": "Counter Party Details",
              "sequence": "1",
              "stepfields": [
                  "type": "text",
                  "typeid": 3,
                  "html_id": "counterparty_name",
                  "label": "Counter Party Name",
                  "mandatory": "",
                  "readonlyfield": "",
                  "mandatoryid": true,
                  "db_column_name": "counterparty_name"
                  "type": "text",
                  "typeid": 3,
                  "html_id": "counterparty_gst",
                  "label": "Counter Party Identification Number",
                  "mandatory": "",
                  "readonlyfield": "",
                  "db_column_name": "counterparty_gst"
                  "type": "text",
                  "typeid": 3,
                  "html_id": "identifier",
                  "label": "Additional Identifier",
                  "mandatory": "",
                  "readonlyfield": "",
                  "db_column_name": "identifier"
                  "type": "Select with table",
                  "typeid": 17,
                  "html_id": "responsible_user_id",
                  "name": "responsible_user_id",
                  "label": "Responsible User",
                  "mandatory": "",
                  "readonlyfield": "",
                  "db_column_name": "responsible_user_id",
                  "option": [],
                  "ref_table": "WebRegisterUser"
              "name": "Counter Party Contact Details",
              "sequence": "2",
              "stepfields": [
                  "type": "text",
                  "typeid": 3,
                  "html_id": "addrone",
                  "label": "Address Line 1 : Street Number & Name",
                  "mandatory": "",
                  "readonlyfield": "",
                  "db_column_name": "addrone",
                  "name": "point_contact_detail"
                  "type": "text",
                  "typeid": 3,
                  "html_id": "unit_number",
                  "label": "Unit Number",
                  "mandatory": "",
                  "readonlyfield": "",
                  "name": "addrtwo"
                  "type": "text",
                  "typeid": 3,
                  "html_id": "addrthree",
                  "label": "Area",
                  "mandatory": "",
                  "readonlyfield": "",
                  "db_column_name": "addrthree"
                  "type": "text",
                  "typeid": 3,
                  "html_id": "pin",
                  "label": "Zip / Postal Code",
                  "mandatory": "",
                  "readonlyfield": "",
                  "name": "pin"
                  "type": "Select with table",
                  "typeid": 17,
                  "html_id": "country",
                  "name": "country",
                  "label": "Country",
                  "mandatory": "",
                  "readonlyfield": "",
                  "db_column_name": "country",
                  "option": [],
                  "ref_table": "CountryMaster"
                  "type": "Select with table",
                  "typeid": 17,
                  "html_id": "state",
                  "name": "state",
                  "label": "State",
                  "mandatory": "",
                  "readonlyfield": "",
                  "db_column_name": "state",
                  "option": [],
                  "ref_table": "StateMaster",
                  "additional_filter": "country",
                  "whereCondition": "&country_id=form?.country"
                  "type": "text",
                  "typeid": 3,
                  "html_id": "city",
                  "name": "city",
                  "label": "City/ Town",
                  "mandatory": "",
                  "readonlyfield": "",
                  "db_column_name": "city"
                  "type": "text",
                  "typeid": 3,
                  "html_id": "counterparty_email",
                  "label": "Company Email",
                  "mandatory": "",
                  "readonlyfield": "",
                  "db_column_name": "counterparty_email"
                  "type": "text",
                  "typeid": 3,
                  "html_id": "counterparty_phone",
                  "label": "Company Phone",
                  "mandatory": "",
                  "readonlyfield": "",
                  "db_column_name": "counterparty_phone"
              "name": "Contact Person Details",
              "sequence": "2",
              "stepfields": [
                  "id": null,
                  "type": "Table - Horizontal",
                  "label": "",
                  "option": [
                      "input": 1,
                      "label": "Name",
                      "value": 0,
                      "width": 100
                      "input": 1,
                      "label": "Email",
                      "value": 1,
                      "width": 100
                      "input": 1,
                      "label": "Phone",
                      "value": 2,
                      "width": 100
                      "input": 1,
                      "label": "Designation",
                      "value": 3,
                      "width": 100
                  "typeid": 14,
                  "checked": false,
                  "html_id": "label",
                  "labelid": true,
                  "db_column_name": "contact_details"
              "name": "Advance Details",
              "sequence": "2",
              "stepfields": [
                  "type": "Select with table",
                  "typeid": 17,
                  "html_id": "party_type",
                  "name": "party_type",
                  "label": "Counter Party Type",
                  "mandatory": "",
                  "readonlyfield": "",
                  "db_column_name": "party_type",
                  "option": [],
                  "ref_table": "PartyType",
                  "mandatoryid": true
              "name": "Add Additional Files",
              "sequence": "2",
              "stepfields": [
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          "validation": {
            "counterparty_name": "required",
            "party_type": "required"
          "validation_message": {
            "counterparty_name": "Counter Party field is required.",
            "party_type": "Counter Party Type field is required."
        "created_at": "2024-04-30T13:28:04.000000Z",
        "updated_at": "2024-04-30T13:28:04.000000Z",
        "helpers": null,
        "name": "Counter Party"

    Update Counterparty

    The Update Counterparty API allows users to modify existing counterparty information within the Contract Lifecycle Management (CLM) software. This endpoint is designed to ensure that all details related to counterparties remain accurate and up-to-date throughout the lifecycle of their relationships with the organization.

    Key Features:

  • Counterparty Modifications: Update key information such as name, contact details, and address for existing counterparties.
  • Role Changes: Modify the counterparty's role in the business relationship as necessary, ensuring accurate representation of their involvement.
  • Status Updates: Change the status of the counterparty (e.g., active, inactive) to reflect current business relationships.
  • Partial Updates: Support for updating specific fields without requiring the entire counterparty object to be sent, allowing for more efficient data management.
  • Common Use Cases:

  • Updating contact information or address details as businesses grow or change locations.
  • Changing the status of a counterparty based on current business relationships or agreements.
  • Modifying roles or responsibilities as projects evolve and new contracts are negotiated.
  • The Update Counterparty API ensures that all modifications to counterparty data are managed securely and efficiently, enabling organizations to keep accurate records and maintain effective relationships with their business partners.




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      "slug": "counterpartynew",
      "state": "1619",
      "counterparty_name": "test new3",
      "counterparty_gst": "test",
      "responsible_user_id": "1",
      "addrone": "test",
      "pin": "1111",
      "country": "103",
      "city": "mumbai",
      "counterparty_email": "teste22@gmail.com",
      "counterparty_phone": "88555",
      "party_type": "1",
      "is_legacy": true


      "status": true,
      "masterdetails": {
        "id": 2,
        "slug": "counterpartynew",
        "table_name": "App\\Models\\CounterPartyMaster",
        "api": "/counter_party",
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        "created_at": "2024-04-30T13:28:04.000000Z",
        "updated_at": "2024-04-30T13:28:04.000000Z",
        "helpers": null,
        "name": "Counter Party"
      "message": "Counter Party Added",
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        "counterparty_name": "test new2",
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        "country": "103",
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        "created_at": "2024-10-16T13:49:30.000000Z",
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    The Contract API provides endpoints to manage contracts within the system, allowing for the creation, retrieval, updating, and deletion of contract-related information. It enables users to handle all aspects of contract lifecycle management, including details such as contract terms, parties involved, financials, and status tracking.

    Key Features:

  • Create Contract: Add new contracts with information like start and end dates, parties involved, financial details, and terms.
  • Update Contract: Modify existing contract information, such as extending dates, changing amounts, or updating contract parties.
  • Contract Status: Track and update the current status of a contract (e.g., active, expired, terminated).
  • Common Use Cases:

  • Creating new contracts for business agreements with various parties.
  • Managing the lifecycle of contracts, from creation to expiration or renewal.
  • Updating contract details such as financial terms or responsible parties.
  • Deactivating or terminating contracts as necessary.
  • The Contract API streamlines contract lifecycle management by providing a comprehensive set of features for creating, updating, and maintaining contract data, ensuring efficient handling of business agreements and obligations.

    Create a Contract

    The Create Contract API allows for the addition of new contracts to the system, facilitating the capture of all necessary details required for managing agreements between parties. This endpoint is designed to ensure that all essential contract information, including financials, parties involved, and terms, are properly captured and validated.

    Key Features:

  • Contract Creation: Add a new contract with details such as company, department, start and end dates, parties involved, and contract terms.
  • Financial Information: Record contract amount, currency, and other relevant financial data.
  • Party Involvement: Specify the counterparty and the person responsible for overseeing the contract.
  • Dates and Expiry: Set the contract's start date, end date, and configure automatic expiry reminders.
  • Custom Fields: Supports additional custom fields such as slug, is_legacy, and more based on business needs.
  • Common Use Cases:

  • Creating new contracts for business agreements, including terms and financials.
  • Defining the duration of a contract and setting up reminders for contract expiration.
  • Associating contracts with specific companies, departments, and responsible personnel.
  • The Create Contract API simplifies the process of adding new agreements to the system, ensuring that all necessary information is captured accurately while supporting validation and customization for various contract types.




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      "department_name": 1,
      "Contract": 33204,
      "CounterParty": 252,
      "StartDate": "2024-10-10",
      "EndDate": "2024-10-12",
      "Currency": 1,
      "Amount": 101,
      "country": 103,
      "state": 1619,
      "City": "mumbai2",
      "person_responsible": 1,
      "expiry_reminder_days": 78,
      "is_legacy": true,
      "slug": "legacycontractnew"


      "status": true,
      "masterdetails": {
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        "slug": "legacycontractnew",
        "table_name": "App\\Models\\LegacyMaster",
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    Create a Contract

    The Create Contract API allows for the addition of new contracts to the system, facilitating the capture of all necessary details required for managing agreements between parties. This endpoint is designed to ensure that all essential contract information, including financials, parties involved, and terms, are properly captured and validated.

    Key Features:

  • Contract Creation: Add a new contract with details such as company, department, start and end dates, parties involved, and contract terms.
  • Financial Information: Record contract amount, currency, and other relevant financial data.
  • Party Involvement: Specify the counterparty and the person responsible for overseeing the contract.
  • Dates and Expiry: Set the contract's start date, end date, and configure automatic expiry reminders.
  • Custom Fields: Supports additional custom fields such as slug, is_legacy, and more based on business needs.
  • Common Use Cases:

  • Creating new contracts for business agreements, including terms and financials.
  • Defining the duration of a contract and setting up reminders for contract expiration.
  • Associating contracts with specific companies, departments, and responsible personnel.
  • The Create Contract API simplifies the process of adding new agreements to the system, ensuring that all necessary information is captured accurately while supporting validation and customization for various contract types.




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        "updated_at": "2024-10-09T09:07:35.000000Z",
        "helpers": "App\\Services\\Legacy\\Creator",
        "name": "Legacy Contract"
      "message": "Legacy Contract Added",
      "data": {
        "department_name": "1",
        "country": "103",
        "state": "1619",
        "person_responsible": "1",
        "expiry_reminder_days": "78",
        "jsonFieldData": "{\"Company\":\"1\",\"department_name\":\"1\",\"Contract\":\"33204\",\"CounterParty\":\"252\",\"StartDate\":\"2024-10-10\",\"EndDate\":\"2024-10-12\",\"Currency\":\"1\",\"Amount\":\"101\",\"country\":\"103\",\"state\":\"1619\",\"City\":\"mumbai2\",\"person_responsible\":\"1\",\"expiry_reminder_days\":\"78\",\"is_legacy\":\"true\"}",
        "user_id": 1,
        "updated_at": "2024-10-17T05:37:06.000000Z",
        "created_at": "2024-10-17T05:37:06.000000Z",
        "id": 854

    Update Contract

    The Update Contract API allows for modifying existing contract information within the system. This endpoint is designed to enable users to change various aspects of a contract, ensuring that all details remain accurate and up-to-date throughout the contract's lifecycle.

    Key Features:

  • Contract Modifications: Update key contract details such as start and end dates, parties involved, and financial terms.
  • Financial Adjustments: Modify the contract amount, currency, and any relevant financial clauses.
  • Status Changes: Update the current status of the contract (e.g., active, expired, terminated) as necessary.
  • Expiration Management: Change the expiry reminder settings for better contract management.
  • Partial Updates: Allows for the updating of specific fields without requiring the entire contract object to be sent.
  • Common Use Cases:

  • Updating contract terms following negotiations or changes in business conditions.
  • Modifying the financial details to reflect updated amounts or currencies.
  • Changing responsible parties or departments associated with the contract.
  • Adjusting reminder settings for contract expirations or renewals.
  • The Update Contract API ensures that all modifications to contract data are handled securely and efficiently, enabling users to keep contract information accurate and aligned with current business needs.




      "Company": 1,
      "department_name": 1,
      "Contract": 33204,
      "CounterParty": 252,
      "StartDate": "2024-10-10",
      "EndDate": "2024-10-12",
      "Currency": 1,
      "Amount": 101,
      "country": 103,
      "state": 1619,
      "City": "mumbai2",
      "person_responsible": 1,
      "expiry_reminder_days": 78,
      "is_legacy": true,
      "slug": "legacycontractnew",
      "id": 853


      "status": true,
      "masterdetails": {
        "id": 1,
        "slug": "legacycontractnew",
        "table_name": "App\\Models\\LegacyMaster",
        "api": "/legacy_contracts",
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        "created_at": "2024-04-30T13:28:00.000000Z",
        "updated_at": "2024-10-09T09:07:35.000000Z",
        "helpers": "App\\Services\\Legacy\\Creator",
        "name": "Legacy Contract"
      "message": "Legacy Contract Updated",
      "data": {
        "id": 853,
        "rqid": 1769,
        "user_id": 1,
        "company": null,
        "contract": null,
        "department_name": "1",
        "counterparty": null,
        "startdate": null,
        "enddate": null,
        "currency": null,
        "amount": 0,
        "state": "1619",
        "city": null,
        "country": "103",
        "person_responsible": "1",
        "expiry_reminder_days": "78",
        "remarks": null,
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        "jsonFieldData": "{\"Company\":\"1\",\"department_name\":\"1\",\"Contract\":\"33204\",\"CounterParty\":\"252\",\"StartDate\":\"2024-10-10\",\"EndDate\":\"2024-10-12\",\"Currency\":\"1\",\"Amount\":\"101\",\"country\":\"103\",\"state\":\"1619\",\"City\":\"mumbai2\",\"person_responsible\":\"1\",\"expiry_reminder_days\":\"78\",\"is_legacy\":\"true\"}",
        "status": 0,
        "created_at": "2024-10-16T14:19:25.000000Z",
        "updated_at": "2024-10-16T14:21:08.000000Z"

    Error Code

    In addition to the the error message, the error response will also contain a error code that is machine-parseable. The following table lists the error codes and their descriptions.

    missing_fieldA mandatory attribute is missing. For example, calling Create a Contact without the mandatory email field in the request will result in this error.
    invalid_valueThis code indicates that a request contained an incorrect or blank value, or was in an invalid format.
    duplicate_valueIndicates that this value already exists. This error is applicable to fields that require unique values such as the email address in a contact or the name in a company.
    datatype_mismatchIndicates that the field value doesn't match the expected data type. Entering text in a numerical field would trigger this error.


    Oct 2024

    • This changelog outlines the major features introduced, the structure of the API, and any standard functionalities or error handling mechanisms added. Since it’s the first version, there are no previous bug fixes or deprecated features. This includes endpoints in the API documentation relating to authentication, user master, counterparty master, contract data and error logs.